Our Philosophy

We spent the majority of our history as hunter-gatherers interacting with animals and plants much more intimately than we do today. As a result, we held profound reverence for our interdependence on nature and our fellow humans. 

As we moved through the agricultural, industrial, and digital revolutions, we raised our living standards and reduced a lot of human suffering. However, due to the benefits that these foundational changes brought us, we ignored the negative externalities. Industrial farming, exploitative business practices, and addiction to social media are a few examples.

The increasing quantity and severity of these negative externalities are destabilizing the long-term viability of ecosystems, economies, and geopolitics. On an individual level, stress, mental illness, chronic illness, and an emerging meaning crisis are taking their toll on our quality of life. Healing has become something we only seek out when our bodies have reached the very edge of exhaustion and disease, instead of it being our daily practice to tune into ourselves, each other and our surroundings. Our cultural remedies of habitual materialism and escapism fail to address the core issues underlying these challenges. 

In a time where we are on a search to find out or reconnect to who we are and how we can move forward into a purposeful, meaningful and sustainable future, we need to get in touch with the parts of ourselves that were sacrificed for economic efficiency and ego-driven desires. We need to reconnect with this side in order to develop a more expansive consciousness that recognizes our interdependence on other people and life forms. This way we can fully appreciate the material and technological progress we have made, and use it to the greatest advantage for the planet and our health and happiness.

The souls of Sun Moon feel it is our responsibility to explore ways of being and doing that bring the self into a harmonious relationship with the rest of the world. We believe in keeping the ways of our ancestors alive as well as looking for positive new ways of living and being that we haven’t explored yet in order to rediscover and reconnect with our innate wholeness.

Our mission is to create and hold inner and outer spaces for people to experience their true nature, which is blissful, playful, expandable, compassionate, and fearless. May we move into a life in harmony with all that is, where care for ourselves, other life forms and the earth stand central.

For more info on our philosophy check out our blogpost page here.

Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.

- Robin Wall Kimmer, Braiding Sweetgrass